avvocato penalista Fundamentals Explained

avvocato penalista Fundamentals Explained

Blog Article

I'm able to guide my clientele in any type of authorized issue, because of a considerable Experienced network that I designed over the years in Napoli. Napoli - 1.7 km Leggi profilo

- Avvocato civilista patrocinante in Cassazione. Dal 1996 presta la propria attività di consulenza legale ed assistenza giudiziale esclusivamente nelle materie del diritto civile specificatamente indicate. La consulenza è svolta in studio o in modalità telematica con accurate riunioni e sessioni in videoconferenza.

The web legal suggestions and support  in Italy company is targeted at individuals, firms and anyone who has a problem in Italy.

The law firm Bernardo Brancaccio, advocate just before the upper Jurisdictions, is probably the greatest identified and many appreciated prison lawyers while in the Neapolitan space. For many years president with the prison legal professionals of the Criminal Chamber of Torre Annunziata, he includes a very well-rounded Expert working experience, possessing taken section in The most crucial and considerable trials of both organized criminal offense and customary criminal offense, in addition to crimes from the public administration by so-identified as “white-collar personnel”.

He has obtained consolidated practical experience in aiding in extradition techniques, European arrest warrant and recognition of foreign sentences for the purpose of their execution in Italy, based on the provisions of Framework Decision 2008/909/GAI.

- Sono avvocato dal 2009 iscritto presso il Foro di Napoli e cassazionista dal 2019, attualmente iscritto presso l'elenco dei delegati alle vendite giudiziarie presso il Tribunale di Torre have a peek at this web-site Annunziata. Ho svolto proficuamente la pratica forense presso l'avvocatura Regionale della Campania e lavoro in proprio dal 2008.

Massimo Sartorio D'Analista → Avvocato penalista a Napoli esperto in dir. penale dell'impresa e dir. penale militare - Lo Studio Legale Sartorio d'Analista opera esclusivamente nel campo del diritto penale da 25 anni, ma all'occorrenza grazie alla collaborazione di qualificati professionisti esterni può offrire un'assistenza pluri-disciplinare "a tutto campo".

He is at present president in the Pompeii Club of Rotary International, The most prestigious navigate here entire world companies of solidarity, improvement of peace and friendship among peoples.

Engineer Luigi Vitiello has also played quite a few have a peek here instances the purpose of technological advisor on behalf of the Public Prosecutor’s Office environment in delicate proceedings of national relevance in the sphere of navigation regulation as well as getting current with several publications in top-tier Worldwide scientific journals.

Additionally, we will immediately indicate the total expense of the session in a clear and defined way and without having subsequent surprising surprises.

Ergastolo significa reclusione a vita.  Il termine ergastolo deriva dal luogo fisico in cui il condannato scontava la sua pena: nell’antica Roma,…

Consequently, you may depend on the support of the really competent Skilled, who may have obtained certain skills in the challenge that problems you and that afflicts you: our purpose is exactly to solve your dilemma, and to make it happen as quickly as you can!

- Sono Alessandro Dell'Aquila, esperto di contenzioso tributario. Offro un rapporto personale e diretto con i miei clienti, dimostrando sempre il mio impegno nel seguire ogni caso da vicino.

We belief their professionalism and smart to realize success the situation that they may handle for.Keep up The great work and continue aiding Those people individual dropping their Hope's... May possibly our God Bless your business and your familyread a lot more

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